Far Cry 4 Arena Master full mod game for android

Far Cry 4 Arena Master

The regular arena is the fastest way to get points in game. Just make sure to survive to get the bonus points.

Arena Master is... well, it's basically Pokemon, with the adorable critters replaced with armed freedom fighters and actual bloodthirsty animals. The point of the game is to unleash your units into a coliseum-style death match, letting them descend upon the enemy for the amusement of the crowd.

The fighters and the animals you unlock are all housed in your "barracks," and all of them are kept in cages that you have to unlock. Yup, the people are kept in cages too. So far we've got bloodsport, animal cruelty, slavery, and forced fighting.

  • Name-Far Cry 4 Arena Master
  • format-apk
  • size-48mb
  • Download
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